America's Last Line of Defense: The Constitutional County Movement and the Role of the Sheriff
Photo by Lily Miller
FRANKLIN COUNTY, FL - As America faces increasing government overreach and widespread corruption, many citizens are seeking ways to restore constitutional principles and safeguard their rights. One solution gaining traction is the Constitutional County Movement (CCM), which aims to empower local communities to reclaim their constitutional freedoms and hold government officials accountable.
America was founded as a Constitutional Republic, where the government’s powers are limited by the U.S. Constitution. The issues plaguing the nation are many: unchecked illegal immigration, election fraud, the signing away of sovereignty to unelected international bodies like the United Nations and World Health Organization, rampant crime, political divisiveness, homelessness, and widespread corruption. Citizens have watched as these issues intensify, with little accountability or action taken by federal or state authorities.
According to advocates of the Constitutional County Movement, the most peaceful and legal solution to this government overreach lies in empowering local governments—specifically, county and city officials—to uphold constitutional principles and protect their citizens’ rights. The idea is to reassert local control and ensure that elected officials at the county level are held accountable to the people they serve.
This works by uniting citizens within their county to demand that local government officials—such as County and City Commissioners, the Sheriff, the Supervisor of Elections, and local judges—take action to protect constitutional rights. This includes enacting ordinances and resolutions that declare counties and cities as Constitutional/Bill of Rights Sanctuary Counties or Cities, where local law enforcement agencies, including the Sheriff’s Department, are tasked with enforcing these protections.
These ordinances could nullify unconstitutional acts, ensuring that federal, state and local governments cannot circumvent the legislative process or violate the citizens' rights. For example, local authorities would have the power to stop the imposition of federal or state mandates that infringe upon individual freedoms, such as the controversial "15-minute cities" pushed by global organizations like the United Nations.
To learn more about how this movement works and how citizens can become involved, a special event sponsored by the Republican Liberty Caucus will be held on Saturday, November 16, 2024, at 3 p.m. at the Eastpoint Fire House, 24 6th St, Eastpoint, FL. The event, titled “A Constitutional County Movement Introduction and Presentation,” will feature Bill Mitchell, Florida State Director of the Constitutional Sheriff and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), as the special guest speaker. The presentation will cover the initiative and its potential to restore constitutional governance at the local level.
A complimentary BBQ dinner will be provided to all attendees, and RSVPs can be made by calling 941-468-3451. The event is open to all, regardless of political affiliation to educate citizens about their rights and how they can actively participate in protecting them.
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