Historic Snowfall in Bay County, Roads and Bridges Remain Unsafe for Travel

by https://www.baycountyfl.gov/
Photo by Ted Pattison Photo by Ted Pattison

BAY COUNTY, FL - 1/22/25 7a.m. - Due to the historic, unprecedented snowfall overnight Tuesday, Bay County roads and bridges remain extremely unsafe for travel. Based on the current weather forecast, we do not anticipate improvement until Thursday midday at the earliest. Heavy traffic on the roadways coupled with continued freezing temperatures could compact snow and ice, further delaying the return of normal travel conditions. Please stay home. Bay County and the municipalities will continue monitoring roads and make updates as soon as new information is available.


- A warming shelter is open 24 hours through Friday morning at the A.D. Harris Learning Center, 819 E. 11th St., Panama City. BayWay Routes 2 and 4 will transport residents to the shelter for as long as it is safe to have buses on the roads. For more information, https://www.baycountyfl.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=263.

- The business offices of Bay County will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday

- The M.B. Miller Pier is closed until 7:30 a.m. Thursday

- The Steelfield Landfill will close at 1 p.m. Tuesday and remain closed through Wednesday.

- As of 2 p.m. Tuesday afternoon, Bayway Transit will suspend operations and will be closed through Wednesday, reopening for normal service on Thursday.

- Bay County is prepared to treat its major bridges (Grand Lagoon, CR 2321, etc.) in addition to other preparations, which include measures to protect pipes and backflow preventers on county properties. The county asks that everyone protect their pipes at their homes and businesses to ensure the continued integrity of their and the county’s water system. More information is available at https://www.baycountyfl.gov/DocumentCenter/View/16641/Protect-your-home-Protect-your-pipes

- Please remember to bring your pets and plants inside.