Opinion: Anthony Fauci’s Presidential Pardon Versus State Crimes

Over the past three years, the Vires Law Group (VLG) headquartered in West Palm Beach, FL, has devoted much time and resources pro bono to researching and compiling extensive legal briefs submitted to several state attorneys general requesting investigation of Dr Anthony Fauci and other health care officials for alleged violations of state criminal codes. To date, requests for criminal investigations have been submitted to the attorneys general of Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. The Texas legal brief and supporting documents can be viewed at https://diamondmindfoundation.org/justice/
Regarding Anthony Fauci’s recent presidential pardon, the Office of the Pardon Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice, states that “the President’s authority to grant clemency is limited to federal offenses and offenses prosecuted by the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia in the name of the United States in the D.C. Superior Court. An offense that violates a state law is not an offense against the United States.” Therefore Dr Fauci’s pre-emptive federal pardon does not shield him from prosecution for violations of state criminal laws, and the efforts of VLG described herein become paramount if Dr Fauci and other health care officials are ever to be held accountable for alleged heinous crimes committed against literally hundreds of thousands of American citizens.
The requested investigations focus on alleged criminal actions taken against patients being treated in hospitals for the COVID-19 virus. VLG’s efforts are in response to hundreds of letters received from aggrieved families who lost loved ones in hospitals---all earnestly demand that investigations take place.
Among other things, these letters attest that the great majority of loved ones who died in hospitals received one or more doses of the drug Remdesivir which was known to have a mortality rate in excess of 50 percent. The testimony of Dr David Martin before members of the Oklahoma state legislature concerning the toxicity of Remdesivir can be viewed here: https://rumble.com/v5jrx85-the-shocking-truth-about-remdesivirs-lethality-rate.html The promoted (and mandated) use of Remdesivir for Covid patients by Dr Fauci and other health care officials is perhaps the most egregious, heinous crime that allegedly occurred.
Much more can be said about the ongoing efforts of VLG to secure justice for the thousands of victims of alleged hospital homicides, but the necessity of thorough criminal investigations by state and county officials cannot be overstated. Citizens need to contact their respective state attorney general and county district attorney and demand that these investigations occur! It is time for truth and justice in this matter. and the Vires Law Group is at the forefront of the effort.
Paul S. Gardiner is a retired Army officer, Vietnam veteran, and avid lover of America. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Alabama, and the U.S. Army War College.
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