Ask Anne - Feeling Belittled in Bay Point

March 05, 2025

Question:        “I love my job, but I work with people who belittle me. What can I do to make them stop?”
                        Feeling Belittled in Bay Point

          I’m so very sorry this is happening to you. Recently, I came across a communication specialist, Jefferson Fisher (an attorney), whose podcast gives very succinct and interesting answers to such dilemma’s.  His suggestion?  “Ask questions that mirror their intent.  For instance: ‘Would you please say that again?’” (This makes them intentionally “hear” what they’ve said.) Or, he suggests that you ask, “Did you mean to say that to hurt me?”  In his experience, this takes all the fun out of the exercise for the abuser.  And realize: It IS abuse.  If it does not stop with this exercise, I believe it’s time to visit the Human Resources department of your employer to ask how they would handle the treatment.