Uncover the Mysteries of Northwest Florida: Shipwrecks, the Civil War and more!

by Bob Hurst, Vice Pres. Historical Society of Bay County
Photo provided by The Historical Society of Bay County Photo provided by The Historical Society of Bay County

PANAMA CITY, FL - The March program of the Bay County History Museum will be held at the Bay County Library, 898 W. 11th Street on Monday, March 24 at 6 p.m. It is free and open to the public.
The Historical Society of Bay County was organized in 1936 to preserve the rich heritage of the area. Fall, winter, and spring the society sponsors a monthly meeting and lecture series featuring talks on topics of historical significance. In 2014, the society opened the Bay County History Museum in order to share collected artifacts, photographs and documents with the community. Exhibits related to Bay County’s past are presented throughout the year. The public is invited, regardless of membership and at no cost to enjoy both the lecture series and the Museum. 
The March program will be “The Archaeology of Northwest Florida” in recognition of Florida Archaeology Month in March. This presentation features a virtual tour of the major archaeological discoveries in the Panhandle of Florida. You’ll learn about 16th-century shipwrecks, Native American encampments and ceremonial centers, a Civil War gun battery, a Spanish fort and mission, historic cemeteries, and the nation’s oldest battleship! 
The speaker, Dr. Della Scott-Ireton, graduated from the University of West Florida with a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and a Master’s degree in Historical Archaeology. She also has a Master’s in International Relations from Troy University, and a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Florida State University. She worked with the Pensacola Shipwreck Survey, West Florida Historic Preservation, Inc., Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research, and the government of the Cayman Islands before joining the Florida Public Archaeology Network where she serves as Associate Director. 

Dr. Della Scott-Ireton - Photo provided by The Historical Society of Bay County

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