To Be Kind Or Not To Be?

by Karen Custer
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Someone recently told me that they did not believe in all of that “Be Kind” stuff.  What does the Bible say about it?  
Gentleness is the quality of being kindhearted, mild mannered or tender.  “So turn from youthful desire and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord with purity of heart.  Avoid foolish and ignorant debates, for you know they breed quarrels.  A slave of the Lord should not quarrel, but should be gentle with everyone, able to teach, tolerant, correcting opponents with kindness.   (2 Tim 2:22-25)
Jesus showed kindness in many situations, even to those who opposed Him and crucified Him.  “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”  (Luke 23:34)
It is hard to be kind when things are not working out the way we want them to, but it is still the correct response.  “In contrast, the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  Against such there is no law.”  (Gal 5:22-23)
King David praised God’s gentleness, “You have given me your saving shield; your right hand has upheld me; your favor made me great.”  (Psalm 18:36)
Being kind in the face of adversity requires much strength.  It does not mean that you do not “have a backbone.”  It does mean that you “follow the Spirit". (Gal 5:25)
Challenge yourself to “Be Kind.”  It will change your life.
(Reference:  New American Bible Revised Edition)