Bob Pelletier – Candidate for Callaway Commissioner, Ward 3

by Karen Custer
Photo by Bob Pelletier Photo by Bob Pelletier

CALLAWAY, FL - Mr. Bob Pelletier is a candidate for Callaway Commissioner, Ward 3. You may be familiar with him because he is currently serving in this position and is a former Mayor of Callaway.

Since he first began his civic duty of representing the citizens of Callaway, one priority has been helping citizens have a voice in local government. Mr. Pelletier is responsive to people who come to his door, to his house, asking for help. He shares his personal phone number with anyone who asks and returns calls as soon as possible. He started a Facebook group where they can post questions and where he posts useful information for residents. He adds their issues to meeting agendas to discuss, and sometimes there is support from other citizens but often there is little interest from others attending the meeting, so no change occurs. At the last meeting, he brought up a citizen’s request to change the rules to allow RVs to be stored in front yards. This was not supported at the meeting since it would not be fair to other residents who were not allowed to do it previously, and because it would make Callaway “less beautiful,” reducing the value of other real estate around them.

Mr. Pelletier is conscientious about fact-checking before voting to spend citizen’s hard-earned money, with the highest regard for adequate benefit to the community. Early agenda items passed to reduce spending include eliminating free medical benefits for Callaway elected officials, eliminating the ability of officials to vote themselves a raise without allowing citizens to vote on it, and eliminating payment of a full month’s paycheck for a half month of service for the first month of a term. He identified shortfalls of accountability in fuel use, worked with the commissioners to develop a proper and fair system of selecting a city manager, and provided instrumental insight into upgrading the city computer system to streamline procedures for more efficient use of funds.

Recently, he advocated hard for a city-wide upgrade of parks and is adamant that facilities should include ADA equipment so all citizens can enjoy our beautiful outdoor spaces.

Mr. Pelletier was raised on a farm by his grandparents as the youngest of 19. When he was drafted at 19, was hoping for regular meals, a bed that didn’t have to be shared, and a bath more than every couple of weeks, where he wasn’t the last one to use the bath water. What he got was so much more. Twenty-two (22) years in the United States Air Force cultivated a love of service with his last station at Tyndall Air Force Base, There was nowhere he’d rather be living than Callaway.

Mr. Pelletier kept his campaign promises to make himself available to all citizens of Callaway, to make sure everyone has a voice on all issues, and to make the tough decisions concerning the budget. His mission remains the same.

Residents of Callaway, come out and vote!