Early Voting Started Today!
BAY COUNTY, FL - It is time for the Municipal Elections! According to the Supervisor of Elections office, early voting starts today and runs through April 12, 2024.
The polls will close and then reopen on April 16th from 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. https://www.bayvotes.org/Election-Info/Future-Elections
Offices Up for Reelection
Callaway - Mayor, Commissioners Wards 3 and 4
Lynn Haven - Non Election Year
Mexico Beach - Council Member Groups 4 and 5
Panama City - Non Election Year
Panama City Beach - Mayor, Council Members Wards 2 and 4
Parker Mayor - Non Election Year
Springfield - Commissioners Wards 1 and 2
Check out the Local Politics page for information on candidates: https://baycountycoastal.com/category/local-politics
To see how much money each candidate raised go here: https://www.bayvotes.org/Candidates-Committees/Current-Candidates
To see the details on who donated to their campaign and their expenditures click on the candidate's name and above their photo click on "List All Contributions and Expenditures."
To see the voter turnout and election results go here: https://www.bayvotes.org/Election-Info/Unofficial-Voter-Turnout
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