Ancient Palm Tree
The majestic old Palm
Famous for its wide spread Limbs, uplifted toward heaven, numbered four,
Akin to Medusa of yore, with its twisted limbs,
Cradled on man-made wooden Pillars for support.
The ancient Palm bowed by age, weather, and disease,
Nestled amidst aged oak trees homed in the
“Oaks by the Bay Park” on the shores of St. Andrews,
Watched the admiring crowds
With a Kingly dignity as if holding Court.
Listening carefully, you might hear the breeze from the Gulf of Mexico
Whispering quietly as it swirled gently around its old friend in
Oaks By the Bay Park,
A word of comfort saying,
Stand strong my Ancient Friend
Because You represent the spirit of St. Andrews,
You chose this Home to remind these people of their Eternal Spark.
The Majestic Old Palm
Lifted its tired limbs once more,
As Hurricane Michael blew by with all its fury,
The weary, ancient Palm tree bravely withstood this maelstrom,
Only to succumb to the inevitable tide of Father Time.
Gone but not forgotten, indomitable Spirit live on.
St Andrews will never forget your gnarled thick branches of a bygone era
Reminding them of what was embraced and enshrined.
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