Unveiling of Callaway’s Wall of Honor

by Karen Custer

CALLAWAY, FL - Mayor Pamn Henderson realized her longtime dream of building the City of Callaway’s own Wall of Honor in the beautifully updated Veterans Park, dedicated to all veterans who served. Citizens from far and wide have been asking why there is a drape on the new wall and were excited that Mayor Henderson finally unveiled it on June 28th. Rutherford JROTC respectfully presented the colors and Reverend Tim Stevens, Callaway Assembly of God, gave a moving Prayer for all who served.

In a later phone call, Mayor Henderson explained that in 2017, when newly elected, she mentioned to City Manager, Eddie Cook, that she would like to see a Walk of Honor or Wall of Honor built in Veterans Park, after seeing these installed in other locales. Nothing happened at the time but about a year ago, she thought the time was right and brought it up at a City Commission meeting and the Commissioners loved the idea. Citizens voiced support for both options, but a Wall of Honor seemed to be more respectful than walking on the bricks of a Walk on Honor. The city started publicizing the idea and got a good response, so they contacted a company about the cost of bricks, the cost of engraving and shipping, and came up with a price. This was published, and when Phase 1 sold out with 223 bricks, they moved forward.

During the ceremony, Mayor Henderson presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Bobby Sullivan, Owner of BCL Civil Contractors, Inc. in Callaway. As soon as Mr. Sullivan heard that a Wall was envisioned, he immediately called the City Manager, Eddie Cook, and volunteered to design and build the Wall at no cost to the city. Chaplain Robert Doyle and George Smith, veterans of the Vietnam and Korean Wars, were present at the dedication, as well as Roy Trueman, veteran of World War II and the Vietnam and Korean Wars.

The citizens of Callaway appreciate Mr. Sullivan’s generosity, and wish to say to all veterans, “Thank You for Your Service!”

Due to an overwhelmingly positive response to the wall, the city is now taking orders for Phase 2. Interested parties can contact City Clerk Ashley Robyck at arobyck@cityofcallaway.com or stop by Callaway City Hall at 6601 Hwy 22 and pick up an application. Cost is $50 per brick.


The video links will allow viewing of the Dedication of the Wall by Mayor Henderson, and the presentation of the Certificate of Appreciation to Bobby Sullivan.



Ace of Fades