BCCA Bay County Contractors & Associates Make a Difference

by Cheryl Cronbaugh

BAY COUNTY, FL - BCCA was started by a group of local contractors talking about the need to improve utilities and roadways in Bay County. They saw a need for an organization dedicated to improving Bay County. That small group did their homework on what worked in other communities and started spreading the word about their goals to engineers, vendors and other local contractors who were interested in improving the infrastructure of Bay County.

The response was great and in October 2013 they incorporated and formed their LLC. With the current 90 members, BCCA has the goal of promoting new ideas to the public, municipalities, and business owners on how to improve our construction issues around the county, and to secure the future for contractors, engineers, and vendors in Bay County for generations to come.

This group’s active interest and movement on their goals has been recognized with the Florida Education Foundation's Commissioner's Business Recognition Award. This award recognizes Florida's business leaders and partners that have shown the most commitment in bringing positive change and implementing bold, innovative approaches to improve the academic performance of students in Florida's education system and communities.

Their mission statement is to "Secure the Future of Local Contractors, Engineers and Vendors for Generations to Come," and to fight to keep Bay County Projects for Bay County Contractors and Associates.

The Bay County Contractors & Associates, Inc. (BCCA) is a great cross section of the best construction-related, community-oriented companies in our area. As an organization we offer the following benefits of membership:

o Awareness and Input Into Public Policy that Affects Our Industry

o Promote Member Business Through Networking

o Organizational Philanthropy for Our Community

o Opportunities for Advertising and Business Development

The BCCA most current project is to help individuals and businesses get CDL training and licensure locally. Due to their influence, Bay County is the primary pilot location for the new local CDL training and licensure recognized by the state of Florida with the help of Florida Transportation Builders’ Association, FTBA.