Opinion: The PCB Mafia Takes Advantage of Our New Female Supervisor of Elections

by Rex Lee Reed
Photo by Pasqualino Capobianco Photo by Pasqualino Capobianco

With rare exception, there is nothing worse than a sore loser. Except the loser who looks to change the rules, so they never lose again even if it means taking advantage of our new Supervisor of Elections (SoE) Nina Ward in the process.

Our former SoE was a Navy Seal, and he told the Jarman/Sheldon mafia, hell no, moving the election to November is counterproductive. So, imagine my surprise when councilman Register said he is planning to team up with them again and take advantage of our new SoE.

Don’t get me wrong, Mrs. Ward did an excellent job presenting the facts. She pointed out that we will be so far down ballot in November the percentage of under/no votes would be through the roof, fourteen thousand in the last election. Giving the sore losers another reason to cry foul, my words.

She pointed out with constitutional amendments and referendums it could turn into a four-page ballot. Adding to the confusion already created by the wording of those amendments and referendums.

And what was Jarman’s reaction? The man who said he wants to save us money by moving the election to November. The same man that saved us from COVID by closing the beach and making us wear a mask.

If we have referendums, we can always have/pay for it in April. Seriously, you cannot make this stuff up.

Sadly, it only gets worse. At least the mafia had a fair extortion racket. Our local Don charges you the same rate for special assessments, then charges those that have rentals and businesses that burden our fire department ten-fold.

But what does the mafia get for taking advantage of our new SoE Mrs. Ward and taxation without consideration? They get the former mayor’s campaign signs in front of most businesses. Insuring those that don’t care enough to take ten minutes in April to vote have their name top of mind in November.

They get people with deep pockets who want to keep the government welfare flowing making campaign donations so they can drown out any voice wanting to represent the people.

Isn’t that the problem with Washington D.C.?

And even better yet, on the off chance they fail, the current members stay on the council through one more budget cycle to make sure you get the shaft and they get the pork.

As the saying goes, that is good work if you can get it. Vote to extend your term, keep the pay checks coming, get more “donations” to help you “win” and claim you are doing the will of the people. And Bernie Madoff thought he knew how to run a Ponzi scheme.

Bottom line, our local Don Corleone is doing all he can to rig the next election. And if you don’t call, email or show up councilman Casto and Register will vote with the Don having convinced themselves they are doing what the voters want.



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