Title: Coffee with a Vet: A Gathering for Women Veterans on August 7th
PANAMA CITY, FL. - Veterans from the Panama City area are invited to join in a special event tailored to women veterans. On August 7th from 8:30am-10:30am, the AMVETS POST 2298 Women's Veteran Group, led by Stacy Winter, will be hosting "Coffee with a Vet" at the Waffle Shoppe located on E 6th St in Panama City, FL.
This event is to create a warm and welcoming environment for women veterans to come together, share experiences, and enjoy a cup of coffee in good company. The gathering will provide an opportunity for camaraderie, understanding, and support among those who have served their country.S
The Waffle Shoppe, known for its delightful menu and cozy atmosphere, will serve as the perfect backdrop for an engaging and enjoyable morning. With a wide selection of coffee and breakfast options, guests will have the chance to indulge in delicious food while engaging in meaningful conversations with fellow veterans.
For women veterans seeking connection, understanding, and support, "Coffee with a Vet" on August 7th is an event not to be missed. This gathering will provide a unique opportunity for camaraderie and shared experiences, as well as a chance to learn more about the resources available to women veterans in the Panama City area.
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