Opinion: The Times They Are Changing ... Elections to Critical Infrastructure

by Karen Schoen

What a week this has been. Isn't it amazing that sometimes we have long periods of no special news and some weeks everything seems to happen at once. This was one of those everything happens at once weeks. President Trump was shot and praise God he was not killed. We saw the failings of DEI hire, Kim Cheatle, head of the Secret Service who was embarrassed into quitting. Then President Biden without a good explanation quit the presidential race. Plenty of speculation that Pelosi and Obama threatened him with the 25th Amendment. I think he was paid off. Time will tell.

Hopefully we will be able to talk about the future candidates on social media.

According to Mike Benz, Former State Department Head of Cyber Portfolio, censorship during election cycles will be implemented. Using the Executive Order 12333, Jan 2017, from President Obama, his administration (same as Biden) finalized rules to make it easier for the nation’s intelligence agencies to share unfiltered information about innocent US citizens. These agencies: NSA, DHS, FBI, CIA, Pentagon, DOS, DOJ etc could investigate any person who tampered with Critical Infrastructure. Therefore, the DHS just re defined Elections as Critical Infrastructure. These agencies will now be working with social media to censor all misinformation, disinformation about candidates or the election. Essentially, they put a gag order on all opposition.

How The DHS Plans To Censor Millions of American By Renaming Elections As "Critical Infrastructure" https://rumble.com/v584vzp-how-the-dhs-plans-to-censor-millions-of-american-by-renaming-elections-as-c.html

Tucker interview with Mike Benz

Podcasts and Articles: karenbschoen.com karenschoen.substack.com

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