Opinion - Advice to Voters
How do you form your opinions regarding political candidates? Do you trust the inherent bias of mainstream media who parrot what they are told by company management, OR do you vote by name recognition which is often why incumbents have an advantage over their opponents? Either approach reflects lack of adequate resources upon which to make a good choice or a lack of critical thinking skills, which unfortunately today in America are increasingly lacking in part due to biased TV and internet media as well as indoctrination especially of young people by some colleges which deprive many students of analytical skills and historical information, both of which play a critical role in proper selection of political candidates.
A knowledgeable voter is of necessity in order to preserve the foundations of our liberty! The framers of our Constitution knew this and spent years discussing and writing that document. Oftentimes, those who claim that the Constitution is an 'evolving document' miss the point that it is THE foundation of our freedoms under our Democratic Republic form of government like no other worldwide, analogous to a concrete slab on which a home is built . We are NOT a democracy---democracy is mob rule. We are a Republic with laws which are intended to circumvent mob rule, or totalitarianism for that matter.
I encourage each voter to stop basing his/her choice simply on personality but rather base their decisions on the policies of the candidate which personally affect all of us. Currently, we see a huge swing in one political party to the radical Left, and what they do not want you to know will be suppressed by much of the mainstream media. Look for factual resources which demonstrate each candidate's track record. It is there until the media purges it for nefarious purposes as we currently witness. Ask yourself if you are doing better economically and with less fear of crime or invasion either domestically or internationally than when a former office holder who is running again was in charge. Look at the past statements and experience of opposing candidates. This applies to all levels of government---our president, members of Congress at state and national levels, and our city and county officials. Talk to reliable people who know something about them and do not simply rely on paid TV, internet, radio and phone ads! Use your God-given brain. Voting is one of the most important actions you will take this year.
Finally, to NOT vote is a cop-out and often based upon some excuse such as "all the candidates are evil". Maybe. Pick the lesser of two evils for if you do not vote for that one, the more evil twin is likely to win.
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