Opinion: The PCB City Council Enters the Twilight Zone

by Rex Lee Reid
Photo by Vasily Ledovsky on Unsplash Photo by Vasily Ledovsky on Unsplash

If you had any doubt the City Council is in the process of taking advantage of our new female Supervisor of Elections. They should have removed any doubts at the last meeting when they entered the Twilight Zone.

But before Rod Sterling takes the stage. Let’s set the scene for our episode into the macabre. The voters, save those that feel they lost the last election because their people did not show up, did not ask for this change.

It is not about strengthening democracy and voter turnout. It is about trying to rig democracy in the favor of those with the most money. And it is the dream of those that could care less what the majority really want.

Enter Rod Sterling: Imagine a city where people who don’t have opposition in their election vote themselves onto boards (TDC/TPO) that the mayor who beat the incumbent should be on. Then imagine those same councilmen voting to keep the mayor who lost his election on the Airport board while claiming they are doing what the people want them to do. And you have the scene for today’s episode.

As we fade to a council meeting, we find councilmen Jarman and Casto somewhat perplexed that the plan they wanted to push through has some unforeseen issue.

At times the election will not be certified in time to seat the new members for the next meeting. And the objections fly, "no lame duck meetings." Even though none of the members seem to care that a citizen had already pointed out this change would make the new members lame ducks until the next budget was approved the following October.

As the smoke leaks from the ears of those hoping to get this out of the way before too many people notice. They are confronted by the swing vote here councilman Register. Who they have convinced this is a good idea. Echoing the mayor’s point that lame duck meetings are counterproductive.

Seeing they might be in danger of losing the swing vote not knowing what the mayor’s actual position is; the gang of two rock back in their seats. As Casto cries "damn the torpedoes, leave it as it is". Jarman sensing possible defeat now changes course and agrees to change the ordinance, city charter and even the state and federal constitutions (poetic license here) if that’s what it takes to get the former mayor back.

As the scene fades, the mayor appears to be negotiating with the councilman who do not have the voter’s best interest at heart. Giving councilman Register the cover he needs to claim the irrational and unnecessary is at least feasible.

And the gang of two are left sweating that the voters who sent the former mayor packing might make their voice heard.

Cue Rod Sterling: Like most small towns the citizens stay quiet, the naive politicians fumble and the crooked ones win.

Welcome to the Twilight Zone.



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