
by Victoria Routh
Together - Wreath Together - Wreath

As the weather begins to turn, the overly enthusiastic “Fallers” become instantly obsessed with all things pumpkin spiced and apple cinnamon.  We immediately begin planning for that nip in the air by hauling out our sweaters and boots, practicing our recipes, and stressing over the impending holiday season gift-giving ideas.  It’s not surprising that though we eagerly seek the relief from the heavy heat of our beloved Florida, we also dread the upcoming barrage of large parties, too-long Christmas lists, and the resolutions we know we won’t keep.

One of the most unfortunate casualties of the holiday season is our relationships with our kith and kin.  We are so busy trying to find the perfect gift for every individual, that we forget about the best gift of all, togetherness.  There are so many who don’t have the opportunity to be with the ones they love, not just during the holidays, but every day.  I especially think of the men and women protecting our country who spend several years’ worth of holidays away from their loved ones.  Yet, as is so often the case, those of us who have it tend to take it for granted, and amidst the holiday chaos, we forget that it is something to be treasured.   

Too often we become stressed and irritated at those whom we hold closest, and with the ever raging war on what each individual believes is right and wrong, battle lines are being drawn deeper in the sand, and so frequently family members and friends are separated over a difference of opinions.  More and more I hear of people who have disconnected themselves from their family clan because they couldn’t agree on politics or religion, and they were tired of fighting the same battles over and over.  And what’s baffling is that it boils down to one thing, pride; and not the positive sense of the word but the arrogant, egotistical, self-centered pride.  Everyone is so determined to be right, to be the one to have the last word that they would risk a personal relationship rather than become a peace maker.  Unfortunately, even the peace makers get caught in the cross hairs, and are often torn between two sides of the same coin.

So as the holidays approach, I beseech each and every one of you to remember that whether it is by blood, marriage, or will, the family unit should not be unbreakable.  Even though eternal harmony is rare, opinions differ, and you will fight each other, it is even more important that you fight FOR each other.

While there is much uncertainty in our world today, especially with the forthcoming election, let us take more than just a moment to really focus on what we have to truly be grateful for, and remember that it is not how much life we have to live, but rather the quality we have of the time bestowed upon us and those with which we share it.