Book Review for Long Knife by James Alexander Thom

by Sunny Reid
Long Knife Book Cover Long Knife Book Cover

In the beginning years of the Revolutionary War, the British sent General Hamilton to conduct the British forces on the western front of the war. His base was Detroit. His agenda, stop settlers in their western migration.  Many settlers had crossed the Appalachian Mountains, and were beginning to settle on their western slopes in Kentucky, or Cain-Tuck as they called it. 
Hamilton's tactics were not honorable.  His policy was to bribe local American Indian tribes with food and gifts.  The gifts included red-handled steel knives with which he specifically requested the Indians bring him the scalps of settlers. He told them he was willing to pay handsomely for the scalps.  His instructions to the tribes were grown male victims only. But General Hamilton was unprepared for the strong individualistic war-like nature of the American Indian. He could not control them with British command methods, and bloody massacre after bloody massacre was the result.  This, of course, enraged settlers, and the government and inhabitants of Virginia. One great man had a vision of how to end the vicious attacks of the Indians by marching through the wilderness leading a contingent of troops to capture the French and Spanish forts under British domination south (down river) of Detroit, and treat with the Indians, himself. Eventually intending to march on, and capture Detroit. 
The passion and determination of the Virginians is awe inspiring, heart wrenching, and triumphant. General George Rogers Clark was an indomitable man, an inspired leader, a powerful, confident presence. James Alexander Thom brings the passion and history of this great man, and many other historical personalities, into sharp focus with an insightful description of living conditions, natural beauty, and rugged treks through impossible hardships.  Many new settlements were constructed and established by this campaign, which have become vital modern cities.  
I hope you enjoy Long Knife, by James Alexander Thom.