Golf Carts and Insurance Gaps

by Trey Hutt, Hutt Insurance Agency, Inc
Photo by Cheryl Cronbaugh Photo by Cheryl Cronbaugh

BAY COUNTY, FL - Golf carts are everywhere these days, not just on the golf course. In some neighborhoods, they seem to be all over the place, scurrying about like battery-powered ants. There’s a real problem, though, in that most of these carts are running around without any insurance at all.

Most homeowner policies include coverage for golf carts (that aren’t modified to be street legal), so many people rely on this coverage. However, this coverage is very limited, usually covering when a cart is actually on the golf course or “used for golfing purposes.” Essentially, you’d be covered while you were playing, going to the clubhouse, and to or from your home, and even that is a stretch. If you are buzzing around the neighborhood, going to a neighbor’s home, or running to the store, this automatic coverage won’t apply.

Solutions are plentiful and not expensive. You may be able to endorse your home policy to include this additional use, or you might just buy a specific golf- cart policy. I prefer this second option since any claim won’t impact your home policy, and potentially cost you loss-free credits or even result in a non-renewal. Such policies are inexpensive, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen one cost more than $200 a year (usually much less), including coverage for damage to the cart.

When I was a kid, I once took a sharp left turn on the golf course, dumping my mother unceremoniously onto the turf. Fortunately, she wasn’t hurt (though my father nearly killed me), but surely when you see a cart with kids hanging off, or with a driver trying to drive while handling a dog, it’s not hard to see how things could go bad quickly. Worse yet, with carts sharing the roadways with cars, there will never be a situation where a golf cart will win in a contest with a car.

Finally, if you have a cart that is modified/licensed for road use, you absolutely must put this on an auto policy as if it were a car. Sometimes you can simply add it to your current auto policy, but since not all auto insurers permit golf carts, you may need a separate policy with a different insurer. Whatever you do, talk to your local agent and discuss your concerns. Then you can really enjoy buzzing around!